The #1 Rated CBD Oil and CBD Treats for Dogs

CBD Facts 

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Marijuana without the high, but all the medical benefits? Safe for kids, but not for all pets? Questions like these and more perpetuate the exciting new cannabis health aid, CBD. But there is a lot of confusion over what CBD is and what it can do. And it doesn’t help that there are a bunch of shady companies using misinformation to prey on people curious about all the ways CBD can help.

That’s why in this article, we are going straight to the truth to bring you the 10-biggest facts you should know about CBD.

Whether you’re looking to give hemp CBD to your furry best friend or take it yourself, the CBD facts below are the ones you need to know before using CBD.

What is CBD?

Known formally as cannabidiol, CBD is one of the many therapeutic phytochemicals that naturally occur in cannabis plants. It also lends its name to a range of hemp-derived products. However, most of these products contain not just CBD but all of the therapeutic phytochemicals that are found together in the resin or trichomes.

Thanks to the overwhelming positive research and CBD's ability to treat key medical disorders, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a CBD isolate in 2018. However, this form of CBD is not the most popular type, nor does it contain all the potential benefits contributed to traditional CBD products. This is because it lacks all the therapeutic phytochemicals we mentioned above which are in full spectrum CBD, and as you'll learn, you're going to want these compounds.

What’s The Difference Between Hemp, Marijuana, and The Cannabis Plant?

The two main groups of phytocompounds that appear in CBD also appear in the majority of hemp and marijuana products. These are known as the cannabinoids and terpenes, and there are several hundred different variations of them that occur in all cannabis plants. But don’t worry, CBD items are often derived from the hemp variety vs. the marijuana kind because hemp plants have a slightly different chemical profile. While they have the same cannabinoids and terpenes, these plants lack notable amounts of the cannabinoid, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), famously known for causing a high. 

The Quick Cannabis Plant Key

Cannabis - A genus of crops naturally found across the world, resulting in unique properties despite being made up of the same phytocompounds. There are three main varieties or "species", which all originate from different regions: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis. 

Marijuana - These crops are known for their high amounts of THC that causes a high on some level. All three of the varieties above can contain enough of this compound to be officially classified as marijuana due to the uncontrolled and rampant history of breeding the plants together, making the majority of cannabis crops around the world hybrids. 

However, despite common confusion, if these plants were left completely untouched by humans, it’s possible only Cannabis Indica would naturally produce enough THC to cause a high and be labeled as marijuana. However, all varieties create THC as a defense mechanism, and how much they produce is very temperamental to their environment. 

Hemp - All hemp plants come from the Cannabis Sativa L. variety of the plant due to them naturally producing lower amounts of THC due to their region. Hemp can have various amounts of THC, but it is very rare for it to be enough to cause a high. 

Industrial Hemp - When grown to contain no more than 0.3% THC, a hemp plant will earn the title “industrial hemp” in the United States. These are the crops mainly used to create CBD products. This is because these plants and any product derived from them became legal on a federal level under the 2018 Farm Bill. 

Is CBD legal?

Hemp-derived CBD is legal on a federal level in the United States and in many countries around the world, including the United Kingdom and Canada. This allows us to ship our CBD to all 50 states in the nation. However, we always recommend you check your state laws before buying any CBD product.

Now, it’s only CBD derived from an industrial hemp plant that is legal on the federal level. But your state may be different, especially if recreational marijuana is legal. As such, we only use hemp-derived full spectrum CBD for all of our products that feature hemp CBD.

Does CBD Get You High?

There are over 100+ identified cannabinoids found in cannabis plants, and CBD on a pharmacology level can not cause a high and is non-intoxicating. In fact, it appears there are only a very few who can, with only THC naturally appearing in large enough amounts to actually cause one. 

Because of how the cannabinoids work with the body, THC is able to overstimulate a system known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). But this only happens when there is enough of this cannabinoid. And there is nowhere close to enough in legal CBD products. However, it’s good there is some THC in there because whether it's overstimulating the ECS or not, it’s able to provide health benefits. 

How Does CBD Work?

CBD and the other cannabinoids in CBD products all work in similar but slightly different ways for the most part. This is why products that contain all of them together (full spectrum CBD) instead of cannabidiol isolated away (CBD isolate), generally provide significantly better results for health and wellness. 

The cannabinoids and terpenes in hemp work by interacting with the ECS, which is a regulatory apparatus made up of cannabinoid receptors and endocannabinoid neurotransmitters that activate them by attaching to them. All mammals and some other organisms have an ECS to help trigger homeostasis, resulting in internal balance across the different regulatory systems, organs, and cells. Homeostasis is how a mammal protects itself from environment hazards, keeping it alive by maintaining an internal body temperature, warning it of threats via the fight/flight mechanism, and on and on. 

The compounds in our favorite little green plants mirror the endocannabinoids mammals create, allowing them to connect to and similarly activate the cannabinoid receptors. CBD works by also preventing the body from prematurely recycling endocannabinoids. All of this can help prevent and correct an endocannabinoid disorder. This is why CBD may help with everything from a specific disease like anxiety to supporting overall wellness.

It's a mistake to say CBD and the other compounds are non-psychoactive as technically any compound and drug that elicits a change, even one that's intangible is psychoactive. However, while not the best, it OK to say a CBD product is non-psychoactive when comparing it to weed because it doesn't cause the symptoms of a high.

CBD Facts

What Is CBD Best Known For?

Thanks to it supporting a vital and far-too-forgotten regulatory network, CBD can support several health conditions. The degree that it can help different parts of the body does change, with chronic pain, inflammatory issues, anxiety, and depression relief commonly cited as the top reasons for use. However, overall general health and wellness often fall right in line because CBD can help in so many big and small ways. 

  • Supports the health of several regulatory systems on a cellular level. 
  • Unique anticonvulsant properties allowing it to treat rare forms of epilepsy where everything else fails. 
  • Restores balance and calm to the immune system, ensuring good inflammation stays that way because bad inflammation is a key hallmark in several diseases, from physical ones like mobility disorders to ones that affect mental health. 
  • While CBD should never be a replacer for treating cancer, countless find CBD mitigates the overwhelming amount of side effects that come from both cancer and treatments for it.

What Happens If You Take CBD Everyday?

Taking CBD every day is how most prefer to use CBD. CBD helps support the ECS, which helps support the immune, nervous system, and on. Because the ECS is under constant fatigued from balancing and supporting all of these regulatory systems, many find daily CBD is the key to keeping the ECS strong and healthy.

Is CBD Safe For Pets?

Not only is CBD safe for our furry pets, but it can also help them with their health just as much, if not more than it can ours'!

The biggest difference when it comes to cannabis for us vs. our dogs, cats, and even horses is keeping them away from high THC products. Treat this plant for pets like you would a kid. CBD products, especially ones with less than 0.3% THC, are completely safe for the vast majority of pets (mammals) and kids.

What Is The Best CBD Oil?

First, whether for you or your pet, if you have never used CBD before, we recommended starting out with CBD oil. From its ability to easily experiment with a range of dosages to its malleability — throw it into your favorite food or drink — there is a good reason it's the most popular form across all experience levels. 

Next, in the large majority of cases, you’re going to want to make sure your CBD is full spectrum, not broad spectrum CBD or CBD isolate. While both broad and CBD isolate have their place with no traces of THC, even the small amounts of it in full spectrum greatly contribute to the overall wellness and health benefits. 

Last, make sure your CBD is derived from USDA organically grown hemp and that the company provides the ever-critical Certificate of Analysis (COA) for it. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate CBD, treating it like they would a vitamin or supplement. Because of the newness of CBD oil and similar products, and the confusion over them, many companies use this to sell faulty CBD. Usually, this means it has more THC and less CBD in it than what the label says. Not only can this make the CBD oil illegal, but it can also bring unintended psychoactive side effects. The COA is an independent lab report that will confirm the CBD oil you intend to buy is non-intoxicating and contains the correct amount of THC and CBD.

Where Can I Buy CBD Products?

Buying CBD oil and other CBD products online is usually preferable because you’re able to vet the company first. Make sure to check out the reviews, confirm they provide the ever-important COAs, and take some time to see if you’re a fan of the brand and their values. Remember to use the three tips from above to help you make the best choice when selecting a CBD.  

CBD Side Effects

While CBD is touted for its safety profile, potentially making it a safer option than even many over-the-counter drugs, there are few side effects from CBD to be aware of.

Like many drugs and compounds used for medical help, CBD may, especially in the beginning, cause mild stomach discomfort and general unease. Often these symptoms quickly pass once the body sees CBD is not causing harm. If on a medication that warns about potential drug interactions because it's metabolized by CYP enzymes, please consult your medical professional before using CBD.

CBD Facts: Final Thoughts

From research to personal reports, many have found CBD to be a potent anti-inflammatory, a terrific anxiety reliever, a defender against chronic pain, and more.

We all too understand how frustrating it can when it comes to choosing the right CBD product. That's why we go the extra mile to make it easy for you. PurCBD Oil has high CBD, limits its THC content to less than 0.3%, always comes with the COA, and features an organic cannabinoid-rich full spectrum hemp extract.

At Innovet Pet, we're committed to bringing you the latest news, research, and information you need to know about CBD and CBD products. As always, thank you for taking the time to read.

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