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Everything You Need to Know About Pitbull Puppies

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Everything You Need to Know About Pitbull Puppies

Pitbulls are a popular breed and are known for their bulky, muscular appearance. However, despite looking very strong, and sometimes intimidating, they are gentle creatures that love to play and spend time with their owners. If you’re interested in adding a pitbull to your family, you’ll need to keep a few things in mind before you buy or adopt a pitbull puppy. Below you’ll find pitbull puppies information, including important things such as their temperament and different types of pitbull puppies.

Pitbull Puppies

The History of the Pitbull

The pitbull is believed to have originated in Britain after a bulldog and terrier were crossbred. This was done as people wanted to combine the strength of a bulldog with the agility of a terrier. They were often used for dog fights in Britain until the early 1800s when animal welfare laws banned it. However, this small portion of their history has seemingly tainted their reputation which has caused many to be fearful of them, although this misperception is slowly changing. When the pitbull was brought to America, they were used as cattle herding dogs. They were also used as mascots during World War II.

How Big Do Pitbull Puppies Get?

The size of a pitbull puppy will depend on the type you have. However, they average around 30-90 pounds and measures about 19 inches long. However, a female pit bull puppy will usually grow to be about 17 inches long.

Everything You Need to Know About Pitbull Puppies | Innovet Pet

How Many Puppies Do Pitbulls Have?

The first litter a pitbull has will usually produce about two to five puppies. However, if they have more litters, this will grow in size and eventually produce up to 10 puppies per litter. This size will vary depending on the dog and previous litters they have had.

Types of Pitbull Puppies

There are three main types of pitbulls: American Pitbull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and American Staffordshire Bull Terrier. However, the main type of pitbull you’ll find is the American Pitbull Terrier.

American Pitbull Terrier

This purebred dog is a bit taller compared to the other two types and an American pitbull puppy can sometimes be referred to as a Rednose or Bluenose Terrier. This is because of the color of the dog. This pit bull will range in a slightly red-colored fur to a grayish-blue coat. However, a Bluenose American Pitbull Terrier tends to have more health problems, such as weak immune system and deafness.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier first originated in Staffordshire, England. These English pit bull puppies look similar to the American Pitbull Terrier but is a bit smaller. While short, they are extremely muscular and known for their patience. 

American Staffordshire Bull Terrier

The American Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a bit larger than the Staffordshire Bull Terrier but tends to have different colorings, such as brown and white, when compared to the American Pitbull Terrier. The ears are usually pointed and are known for their alertness and athleticism.

Everything You Need to Know About Pitbull Puppies | Innovet Pet

The Temperament of a Pit Bull Puppy

A pitbull has a very unique temperament and personality. Below are some temperament qualities you’ll find if you decide to add a pitbull puppy to your home.

They are Confident

Just by looking at them, you can tell that a pitbull is very confident. While this can be a good thing, it can also make them a bit stubborn, especially if they don’t want to do something. They also are very curious and enjoy sniffing and exploring things.

They Love People

Pitbulls love being around people and are usually eager to please. Because of this, they often don’t make very good guard dogs. They also tend to be good family pets, although keep in mind that they can get very excited and playful. This could make them be a little rough. Due to this, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on them when around young children.

They are Loyal

Pitbulls are very loyal dogs and will protect their owners from any trouble. In fact, they will work to create a strong bond with you to show they are your friend for life. Because of their loyalty, they are also very protective. While this can be good, it can also make them a little aggressive toward other animals, such as dogs, that might be near you. Due to this, it’s important to make sure that they are properly socialized to help prevent them from being a little aggressive toward other animals.

They are Athletic

Thanks to their strong muscular build, pitbulls are extremely athletic. They can easily go on a hike, swim, or run without problems. This makes them a great pet for those who a furry companion while exploring the great outdoors or exercising. Because of this, you also need to make sure they get plenty of exercise. Otherwise, they could become a little restless.

They are Playful

Pitbulls love to have a good time and enjoy playing. In fact, you’ll find that each of their personalities will make them enjoy certain things. This is even more evident as they grow older.

They Enjoy Cuddling

This breed enjoys nothing more than to cuddle with their owner. This not only helps them to bond with you, but works to keep them relaxed and feel safe. Due to this, pitbulls are often used a therapy dogs because they enjoy being petted and cuddled.

Everything You Need to Know About Pitbull Puppies | Innovet Pet

The Grooming Needs of Pitbull Puppies

While pitbull puppies don’t have long fur, they still have some specific grooming needs that need to be addressed.

Daily Brushing

One of the most important things to do grooming wise with a pitbull puppy is to brush them daily. This will help to remove any loose fur, dead skin, and other particles that could be irritating them. Brushing will also help to encourage circulation in their body which can result in shiny, healthy fur.

Make Sure to Give Them a Bath

Pitbulls don’t need to be given a bath often, but they should get one at least once a month. This will help to remove things from their fur and keep them clean. Make sure to use gentle shampoo on their skin which will help to prevent any possible irritations. This is because many pitbulls tend to suffer from allergies which could make their skin very sensitive. Because of this, look for shampoos that are hypoallergenic.

Trim Their Nails

Pitbull nails can grow very quickly which can cause them to curve. This could end up making your dog scratch themselves and others. Long nails can also collect dirt which could contain dangerous bacteria. To help prevent this, make sure to trim them before they get to be a problem.

Clean Their Ears

Ear infections are also a common problem in pitbulls. If you don’t regularly check and clean their ears, it could lead to intense infections. You should use a clean cotton ball to wipe away dirt and special ear cleaners that can dissolve and remove bacteria. However, make sure to never go into the ear canal as this can push bacteria further into the ear and even damage your pet’s hearing.

Check Their Skin Folds

Pitbulls sometimes have many skin folds. These folds can harbor bacteria. If you notice wetness in the folds, redness, or even dry skin, make sure to clean the area off. You can do so by using special cleaners or using essential oils and warm water. They will help to remove dangerous bacteria and prevent further irritations and possible infections.

Everything You Need to Know About Pitbull Puppies | Innovet Pet

Health Concerns of Pitbull Puppies

While pitbulls tend to be very healthy dogs, they do have a few health concerns you’ll need to keep an eye out for.

Hip Dysplasia

Because pitbulls tend to be large, stocky dogs, they are susceptible to getting hip dysplasia. This can eventually cause their hip bone to deteriorate which can make it hard for them to walk and even cause arthritis to develop.

Heart Disease

Pitbulls are prone to have heart problems due to the surrounding valves sometimes not developing correctly. This could end up leading to many different heart problems, including irregular heartbeat and even heart disease.


This breed also tends to get cataracts easily. Usually, a vet can do a genetic test to see if your pitbull puppy might be susceptible to eye problems such as this. While a small cataract won’t usually cause major issues, it could develop into something much more severe. If not treated, it could also lead to blindness. Thankfully, this can usually be cured through the use of surgery.


Also known as parvovirus, parvo is a serious health concern that can cause bloody vomiting, diarrhea, and severe dehydration. Because this virus breeds outdoors, most dogs will come into contact with it. However, pitbulls seems to contract it more than other dog breeds. Due to this, it’s important to vaccinate your pitbull puppy and kept away from public areas, such as dog parks, until they are about 16 weeks old.


Pitbulls can sometimes develop severe allergies, either due to environmental particles or their food. This can make them itch constantly and even develop red, scaly skin. Allergies could also cause ear infections to form.

Everything You Need to Know About Pitbull Puppies | Innovet Pet

Diet for a Pitbull Dog Puppy

A pitbull puppy has a diet that should be followed closely to ensure they grow healthy and strong. Below are some options to give them.


Blueberries are packed with antioxidants which help to ensure your puppy stays healthy. This can help them to have plenty of energy, while preventing many diseases, including cancer. It also keeps their brain healthy and active.


Beef is a good protein to give your puppy as it will help their bones to grow strong and healthy. It will also provide them with plenty of vitamins and minerals which can give them energy. As with all meats, make sure to cook the beef fully to prevent possible infections, such as salmonella.


Chicken is another protein option to give your pet. It’s not only packed with many different vitamins and is a lean meat. It also has Omega-6 which helps to promote healthy skin and fur. Keep in mind though that while chicken is usually a safe option, some puppies might be allergic to it. Because of this, you should start slow and only give them a small piece to make sure it doesn’t cause problems.


Raw and cooked carrots are perfect to give pitbull puppies. This vegetable not only contains Vitamin A, but plenty of antioxidants and fiber as well. Some vets often recommend giving your puppy frozen carrot sticks which they can chew on as a way to help teething puppies. You should make sure to cut the carrots up into small pieces to help your puppy easily chew and digest the vegetable.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are full of fiber and contain Vitamins B6 and C. They also contain beta-carotene which can help fight off many different types of cancer. Sweet potatoes are also slightly sweet which makes them a nice treat for your pet. You should make sure to cook the sweet potatoes before giving them to your pet.

Green Beans

Plain green beans are a great option to give your pitbull puppy thanks to them being packed with iron, fiber, and Vitamin A. It has also been shown to help dogs lose weight. Besides being a side dish in their meal, green beans can also be given to your furry friend as a snack. Just make sure to cook them beforehand so they are easy to chew and digest.


Rice is a good carbohydrate to give your puppy and can even help to soothe an upset stomach or diarrhea. While white rice doesn’t have as much nutritional value as brown rice, brown rice can sometimes be hard for your puppy to digest. Because of this, you’ll only want to give them a small amount if you decide to give it to them. To make your puppy rice, boil water and place the rice grains in it, but don’t add any extra seasonings to it.


Apples are a very healthy option to give your puppy to help them stay healthy. It not only provides their body with important vitamins and minerals but can also keep their teeth clean. However, make sure to always wash, peel, and remove the apple seeds before you give the apple pieces to your pup.


Pumpkin is yet another good food item to give your puppy. Pumpkin contains high levels of fiber and can even help soothe any gastrointestinal tract problems they might be having. It also contains beta-carotene which is a powerful antioxidant. To give your pitbull puppy pumpkin, you can give them plain canned puree or make your own. Keep in mind that if you do make your own pumpkin puree, make sure to remove the seeds and keep it unseasoned.

If you’re not sure how much food to give your puppy, make sure to talk things over with your vet. This way, you can make sure you’re not giving them too little or too much food. It’s best to start to slowly though to make sure your puppy isn’t allergic to certain food items or eats too much which could cause them to gain a lot of weight.

Everything You Need to Know About Pitbull Puppies | Innovet Pet

Where to Buy a Pitbull Pup

You can buy a pitbull pup either from your local animal shelter or from a reputable breeder. Buying a pitbull requires you to be diligent about the breeder to ensure that your puppy has received proper care and treatment.

To help ensure your pitbull puppy comes from a good breeder, you’ll want to do a few things. The first is to tour the residence. By doing so, you’ll be able to see how clean the area is and how the dogs on the property are kept.

Another thing to do is meet your puppy’s parents. By looking at their parents, you’ll be able to see if they are healthy or not and even check their temperament - things which can help to tell how your puppy will be and act.

You’ll also want to make sure to check medical records of the dogs. These records will also help you to see if any possible health concerns the breeder isn’t informing you of as well as ensure that your puppy is being properly vaccinated and medically treated.

So, if you want to buy pit bull puppies, you’ll want to make sure to keep these tips in mind. This way, you can ensure you’ll add a happy and healthy pup to your home.

Pitbulls are a great dog to add to your family. They’re not only loyal, but gentle and playful as well. However, you’ll need to make sure to do things such as making sure they get enough exercise and are fed a good diet. By keeping the information above in mind about raising a pitbull puppy, you can be sure that your pitbull puppy will grow to be a happy and healthy family companion.


American Pit Bull Terrier
4 Types of Pit Bull Dog Breeds
Pitbull Breeds
Pitbull Breeds & Types of Pitbulls

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1 comment
  • Ayokunnumi A. E

    The pitbull is an amazing breed of dog. Unfortunately, some not-so-bad traits such as playfulness and emotional attachment has been misunderstood for aggressiveness and dangerous respectively.

    The key to helping your pitbull deal with some of these tendencies is introducing them to reality as puppies. For example, the average pitbull without required training and exposure feels threatened by the presence of another dog (or animal). Improving their social skills early enough is key to helping them overcome this attributes.

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