Vitamins are important things to give your pet to help ensure they stay healthy. However, sometimes certain vitamins might not be right to give a specific breed or animal. It might also be a bit confusing to choose the right vitamins to give your pet the vast amount available. To help you, you’ll discover more information about vitamins as well as some of the top options to give your pet.
What are Vitamins?
Vitamins are a type of molecule that contains micronutrients that the body needs. While many food items contain vitamins, pills, and other items can be ingested to receive these nutrients. This is because sometimes the body doesn’t make enough or even produce certain vitamins. Due to this, vitamins help to ensure that the body gets enough nutrients to help it stay healthy.
What is a Multivitamin?
For some vitamins, you might find them labeled as multivitamins. A multivitamin means that a specific type of supplement contains more than one vitamin in it. This can be beneficial if you want to give your pet more than one vitamin type without having to invest in many different vitamins.
Types of Vitamins
There are about 13 known vitamins available.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is one of the most important vitamins to give your pets because it helps to keep their skin looking healthy and their muscles and nerves working properly.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is good to give your pets although most animals already produce it. Because of this, you don’t need to worry about giving them large amounts of it.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a tricky vitamin to give pets. This is because it’s a fat-soluble option which makes it easy for their fatty tissues to absorb it. Due to this, it can be a little problematic and could lead to toxicity in dogs. On the other hand, Vitamin D is essential for cats as it balances out the calcium and phosphorus levels in their body.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is very good for both dogs and cats as it helps to keep their immune system healthy, improve their vision, and skin allergies.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K helps to keep your pet’s blood circulation working well. However, too much of it can be very dangerous.
Vitamin B1
Also called thiamine, Vitamin B1 is yet another essential vitamin all pets need. It must be included in their diet as it helps to keep their brain functioning properly and give them a healthy metabolism.
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B2 is a vital vitamin to include in your pet’s diet. This is because it produces antibodies which can help their body to fight off illnesses.
Vitamin B3
Also known as niacin, Vitamin B3 needs to be included in your pet’s diet to help keep their brain healthy, improve their immune system, and help their digestive system work properly. This is often found in many types of meat, such as liver, beef, eggs, and poultry.
Pantothenic Acid
Pantothenic acid helps to produce neurotransmitters and increase stamina. It also works to keep their intestinal tract functioning properly. It also helps to metabolize fats.
Biotin is important for pets as it helps to keep their skin healthy. It also helps with their digestion and muscle growth. In fact, you can often tell if your dog has a biotin deficiency by looking at their skin and coat as it will look very brittle and inflamed.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is necessary for pets who suffer from diabetes or Cushing’s disease. This is because it normalizes blood sugar and hormone production.
Vitamin B12
This vitamin helps to keep your pet’s digestive tract working well. In some pets, such as cats, a lack of Vitamin B12 can result in weight loss and diarrhea.
Folate is often used to help animals who suffer from small-intestinal disease. It’s also sometimes given to horses to help them with various ailments.
Benefits of Vitamins for Pets
There are many benefits that come with giving your pet vitamins. Below are some you’ll find if you decide to give them some.
They Boost Their Immune System

Vitamins can help to significantly boost your pet’s immune system. This can help to ensure that their body is able to fight off diseases and stay healthy and active. They also work to keep their liver and kidneys healthy which work to filter out any toxins in their body that could cause harm.
They Can Keep Senior Pets Active
As pets age, they can start to slow down and be in a little pain. Vitamins help to keep their body strong and active as it will work to improve things such as their skin, muscles, and bones. Because of this, it can help your senior pet to stay active and energetic.
They Improve Their Skin
Many pets often suffer from various skin issues, such as brittle fur and redness. Vitamins help to keep their skin hydrated and healthy which can improve its look. This will not only help to reduce itchiness and other problems your pet might experience, but keep their skin looking beautiful.
They Can Help Prevent and Heal Diseases

Many vitamins are also very beneficial when it comes to preventing and healing numerous diseases. For instance, Vitamins C and E can help to stop the inflammation which is the cause of various problems, such as allecrgies and arthritis. In fact, vitamins can often help your dog feel better because it’s providing their body with nutrients they might be lacking due to their illness. By consuming vitamins, you’ll be able to better manage your pet’s illnesses while also helping to prevent new ones from occurring.
What to Consider Before Giving Your Pet Vitamins
While vitamins are very beneficial to give your pet, you’ll want to keep a few things in mind.
If They are on Medications
Sometimes certain medications and vitamins can interact negatively with each other. This could end up causing illnesses and many other problems as well. Because of this, always make sure to check with your vet before giving your pet vitamins.
The Type of Animal They Are
Different animals need or should stay away from certain types of vitamins. For instance, for dogs, too much calcium could result in skeletal problems. Due to this, it’s vital to research before you give your pet any type of vitamin to ensure it will work well with their body.
Their Health
Sometimes if your pet is ill or in poor health, certain vitamins might not be the best option. Every pet is unique which is why it can sometimes be a bit difficult to find the right vitamins to give your pet. This is why it’s important to consider their health and whether vitamins or medications will be needed.
If They are Multivitamins
If your pet needs more than one vitamin type, it might be ideal to give them a multivitamin. This way, they’ll be able to get all their vitamins in one place. Because of this, it’s a good idea to consider using multivitamins for your pet.
How Many Vitamins Should I Give My Pet?

The amount of vitamins a pet should have depends on a few different things. This includes the type of animal they are as well as their breed, age, and medical history.
Most vitamins for pets will include a dosage amount on them which you can follow (based on their weight) to ensure you give them the right amount. However, if your pet has health issues or is older, it’s best to talk to your vet before giving vitamins to them. Your vet might recommend lower or higher doses or could even suggest you try something else.
Can I Give My Pet Human Vitamins?
Some pet owners might think it’s ok to give their pet vitamins made for humans. While sometimes this can be fine, it often is better to use vitamins made exclusively for animals. This is because they are designed specifically for their body which has different needs from humans. Also, the amounts required can be a bit different for animals. Because of this, it’s best that you don’t give your pet human vitamins.
You need to be very careful when giving your pet vitamins as overdosing them could result in quite a few problems. This includes loss of appetite, lethargy, joint pain and stiffness, and gastrointestinal tract problems. In fact, in some cases, too much of one vitamin can cause poisoning which could prove to be fatal if not treated immediately. To help prevent this, make sure to discuss things with your vet to make sure you give your pet the right amount of vitamins.
The Innovet Advanced Multivitamin Soft Chews
If you’re on the search for some of the best vitamins to give to your pet, you’ll want to consider the following: Multivitamin Soft Chews by Innovet.
This vitamin for pets is a 6-in-1 option and helps your pet’s coat, skin, digestion, heart, immune system, and joint health. Because of this, it will help to keep your pet healthy in many different ways.
The vitamins feature five powerful ingredients:
Terpene Extract
Terpene extract helps to reduce inflammation, repair cell damage, and even keep your pet calm. It’s also helpful when it comes to regulating their digestive health. It has been shown to have both short and long-term effects.
Krill Oil
Krill oil contains Omega-3s which works to keep your pet’s heart healthy. It also helps to relieve joint pain and dry eyes. Krill oil also tends to be a little less irritating to certain pets when compared to salmon oil.
Glucosamine helps to build cartilage which is essential to ensure your pet has healthy joints, muscles, and bones. By consuming it, it helps to prevent them from tearing, breaking, and spraining easily.
This antioxidant helps to keep your dog’s body young and active. It works to stop cognitive decline, heart disease, and other problems that come with aging. It also provides their body with plenty of energy so they can run around and play.
Lecithin helps with many different things which range from skin to digestive health. It also works to keep your pet at a healthy weight and protects their liver from toxins which can lead to better metabolism.
These high-quality vitamins contain no preservatives and are grain-free so it’s safe to give pets without fear of them somehow worsening their allergies or hurting their health. This product also features a BPA-free container.
The vitamins are chewy, so it will be easy for your pet to consume them. Small pets (under 35 lbs.) should take two chews per day, medium-size pets (36-75 lbs.) should take about three chews per day, and large dogs (over 76 lbs.) need to take about four chews each day.
Besides being easy to consume, the vitamins also come with a delicious bacon flavor which most pets, especially dogs, love. It’s also safe to give to dogs of all ages and sizes, including puppies and senior dogs who tend to need the most vitamins in order to stay healthy.
Why We Created This Multivitamin
We created this powerful multivitamin because we have seen how many similar products are lacking in important vitamins and minerals for your pet’s health. We made sure to use only natural ingredients that most pets are able to safely ingest to help them live healthier and happier lives.
Vitamin Supplement Alternatives
While supplements are extremely helpful to give your pet, sometimes your vet might instead recommend they get these vitamins from their diet. Below are some food choices that might be good to consider giving your pet.
Apples are filled with both Vitamins A and C. They are also low in fat which makes them ideal for dogs who might not be able to get around well and lose weight. Cats can also eat apples, although you need to make sure to not give them too much. Otherwise, it could make them very sick.
This superfood is packed with antioxidants and fiber which is very beneficial for all types of pets. It also has high water content and fiber which can be beneficial in many ways.
Not only are pineapples sweet, but they are packed with vitamins, such as bromelain which helps your pet to absorb proteins.
Strawberries contain high levels of Vitamin C which help to give your pet’s body plenty of calcium while also helping to keep their teeth clean.
Watermelon is a favorite snack for many pets thanks to its sweetness. While it should be given in moderation due to its sugar content, watermelon will not only help your pet to stay hydrated, but will provide their body with plenty of vitamins, such as Vitamins A, C, and B6. Make sure to always wash the fruit off first and make sure any seeds are removed.
Carrots are packed with vitamins, like beta-carotene, which helps to keep their eyes healthy. Carrots can be given to both cats and dogs, although it’s best to cook them and mash them up before giving it to them.
Broccoli is good to help give your pet Vitamin C. However, keep in mind that too much of it can cause problems. Because of this, it’s important to give your pet a small amount of this vegetable every so often. You’ll also want to make sure to cut it up into small pieces to help make it easier to digest.
Green Beans
Green beans are so safe for dogs and cats and help with their digestion. They also contain high amounts of Vitamins A, C, K, and B6. These legumes are also filled with fiber.
Squash contains heavy amounts of Vitamin A which helps to keep your pet’s immune system functioning well. It also has niacin, pantothenic acid, and folate in it. Both cats and dogs can eat squash without problems.
Other Important Information
Before giving your pet vitamins you’ll want to make sure to keep a few things in mind.
Limit the Amount You Give Them
While vitamins are very helpful, you need to make sure to limit the amount that you give them. By giving your pet too many of certain vitamins, it can make them very sick and could even be fatal. Because of this, you need to make sure to limit the amount of vitamins you feed them.
Try to Give Them Vitamins Through Food
Many vets will often recommend that you try to give your pet vitamins through the food they eat. However, if there is a certain type their body needs a lot of, supplements can be very good to use.
Always Talk Things Over with Your Vet
As mentioned above, it’s vital to talk with your vet before you give your pet any form of vitamins. They will be able to tell you if that specific vitamin will be good for your pet or if you should consider another type to give them. This way, you can be sure that the vitamins you’re giving your pet is safe for them.
Vitamins are very important things to give your pet to help them stay healthy and energetic. However, finding the right ones to give your pet can be a challenge sometimes. By keeping the information above in mind as well as the vitamin options provided, you can be sure your pet will receive the right amount of vitamins for their needs.
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