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Seizures in Kittens

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Seizures in Kittens

Seizures in Kittens

Most kitten lovers would be mortified by even the words kitten seizure but unfortunately, it is something they should be aware of. Convulsions in kittens are not uncommon and cats are predisposed to congenital epilepsy. Other causes are also possible, which is why you need to be educated about the health concerns.

What causes kitten seizures?

The reason most kittens convulse is because of damage that has happened to the brain previously. The seizures can be scary but there are a few causes to educate yourself on for a faster diagnosis.

Feline Epilepsy

Feline epilepsy is the most common reason kittens have seizures. This is passed down through the genes and is unlikely to be a once only occurrence. They can happen at any point in their lives and usually recur within a short space of time after the first, but they can happen months afterward. It’s a condition that lasts a lifetime but can be controlled with medication.


Just like human babies, kittens can be curious and they also use their mouths to try out new things. This can mean they also can ingest dangerous substances that can affect the brain causing seizures. The most common cause of poisoning is cats eating toxic plants. Do research on any plants you have in your garden and home before getting a kitten to ensure they are cat-friendly.

Disorders of liver and kidneys

Problems with the liver and kidneys can cause loss of appetite, vomiting, bad breath and a dry coat. Seizures are also a risk with these disorders,  which is why you should contact your vet if you notice any of these symptoms.


In order to grow healthily, kittens need to have the right nutrition. Those that do not get the nutrients they need have a higher risk of developing seizures.

Seizure Symptoms

Although most people will be able to see that their kitten is having a seizure, they should also be on the lookout for the following:

  • Foaming of the mouth
  • Uncontrollable shaking
  • Restlessness
  • Attention seeking
  • Hiding
  • Collapsing
  • Running in circles
  • Uncoordinated muscle activity


Although there is little you can do as a pet owner to stop a kitten seizure, you should ensure that there is nothing that they can hurt themselves on or bump into while they are having a seizure. Remove any other animals that are in the same room as they can also get agitated. The causes are rarely curable, but there is treatment available to reduce or eradicate the risk of further seizures.

When the seizures do occur take notes once you have removed anything they can harm themselves on so that you can relay what has happened when you take them to see a vet. Most kitten seizures are not life threatening and will happen periodically but if you feel there is an issue that is on-going or the seizures last longer than a few minutes you should seek immediate medical attention for your kitten to ensure they have the best quality of life possible.

Knowing that your kitten has regular seizures could mean that leaving them to play outdoors unattended is dangerous and you may have to consider keeping them as a house cat only. Kittens that have seizures can go on to live as long as kittens that don’t, but underlying conditions should be treated to avoid long term damage.


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