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Galliprant For Dogs

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Galliprant For Dogs

It can be so difficult to watch our dogs age and succumb to the aches of elderly life. On top of that, you may not always know when your dog is suffering, because they're so good at keeping the discomfort hidden.


Typically, when they do become noticeably uncomfortable, it's often because the pain is quite severe. Because of that, it's so important to keep a close eye on your dog and try to notice discomfort before it becomes too serious of a problem.


Galliprant for Dogs | Innovet Pet


When you notice changes in your dog, it's wise to get them to a vet. However, keep in mind that the medicines your doctor may prescribe aren't always going to be the miracles they may seem to be.


Consequently, it's important that you have plenty of knowledge about the medications your vet might recommend. To arm you with all the information you'll need, we're taking a look at the uses, benefits, side effects and dosages for Galliprant, as well as some alternatives you can consider.


What Is Galliprant For Dogs?

If you're familiar with ibuprofen and aspririn, then you'll know essentially what an NSAID is. Galliprant is an NSAID designed for animal use, which can help with inflammation as well as the pain that can result from it. While it is similar to medications that humans can get over the counter, it's important that Galliprant only be used under the orders of a vet. Otherwise, things can get pretty dicey for your pet.


How Galliprant Works

Many NSAIDs interfere with the COX enzyme in order to help with relieving pain from a variety of different kinds of inflammation. That said, some NSAIDs can be specifically designed to work for specific kinds of inflammation, mainly acute and chronic inflammation, which can reduce the negative effects that can occur when compared to those that target any inflammation.


Galliprant is a non-COX drug and works differently than NSAIDs. Galliprant is one of the options that targets more specific kinds of pain. Specifically, it's a great options for osteoarthritis in canines because it keeps a handle on the EP4 receptor. As a result, if this specificity, it's one of the few options that can be easier on dogs who have a hard time with NSAIDs.


CBD Oil for Dogs


On top of that, other options can require keeping an eye on vital organs, which can get invasive as well as costly. However, Galliprant typically doesn't have this requirement, making it a little safer than others.


Galliprant Uses

Unlike other NSAID medications, which can be used for a variety of pain types, Galliprant is typically used for osteoarthritis. This is an issue that can cause problems for one out of every five dogs as they get older.  Furthermore, it's one of the common types of arthritis out there. 


Galliprant For Canine Osteoarthritis

As your dog ages, osteoarthritis gains traction as years of movement result in cartilage in your dog's joints breaking down. As that cartilage degenerates, it can result in more pain for your dog because their bones begin to grind together rather than being cushioned during movement.


Depending on the specific dog, osteoarthritis may not show up until the dog is older. However, in some cases it can begin to show up before the dog has even reached one year of age. It's these cases in which Galliprant can be a useful tool. It's worth knowing that dogs as young as nine months can use the medication safely.


This is important to note because many other options out there can be unhealthy for dogs with immune systems that are still in development. Do keep in mind that if Galliprant for dogs is being used for a longer period of time, it will be necessary to keep an eye on how it's working in the body.


Arthritis Symptoms

For the most part, you'll be able to tell that your dog is having problems with arthritis because they'll be less willing to get up, go for walks, or engage in other activities that they enjoyed in the past.


Though many think otherwise, arthritis can show up at any time, so it's going to be important to watch out for the symptoms. The earlier you can catch them, the better off your dog will be.


Galliprant for Dogs | Innovet Pet


In addition to that, you may also notice some of these other signs:

  • Trouble standing
  • Moving more slowly and carefully
  • Sleeping a great deal more
  • Lowered mobility
  • Swollen joints
  • Depression, irritability or other personality changes
  • Weight gain
  • Stiffness
  • Trouble laying down
  • Lethargy
  • Odd movements, like limping
  • Obvious joint deformities
  • Aggression involving sensitive areas
  • Lameness that can be intermittent
  • Joint pain and inflammation


It's worth remembering that while these are signs of arthritis, they can also be signs of other issues. Only your vet will be able to diagnose your furry friend and make sure they get the correct treatment. Your vet will evaluate your pet's clinical signs, take their body weight, and take baseline blood tests to recommend a steroidal anti inflammatory drug, other NSAIDs, and concurrent therapies to help manage how your dog experiences pain.


Understanding Dog NSAIDs

There are a wide variety of NSAIDs on the market, including options like Galliprant, Metacam, Previcox, Rimadyl, and Deramaxx. Some of these options can be safer for your pet than others. For example, choosing to administer Galliprant tablets to manage pain and inflammation is an option that can be used when you want to avoid a lot of side effects, but keep in mind that NSAID effects will still exist.


What is Nsaids


NSAID side effects can be quite troubling for pet owners, so it's a good idea to have a full understanding of them before you provide the medication to your pet. Keep in mind that you do have some other options to avoid the most common adverse reactions.


Dosages For Galliprant

Just like with any medication, it's important that you follow your vet's instructions when giving your pet Galliprant. This includes not giving anti inflammatory drugs on an empty stomach, even if your pet experienced a decreased appetite and doesn't want to eat. It makes sense that you want to do everything you can to keep your pet from being in pain, but giving them a higher dose without your vet's instruction can result in extremely negative effects.


Your vet knows the exact dosage your pet needs for effective results while trying to avoid as many side effects as possible. Causing your dog to overdose on Galliprant can create some terrible, lasting results on your pet.


NSAID Overdoses

Overdoses by pets on NSAID medications can be more common than you might expect. Even when their owners are following the correct dosage, pets can end up getting into the medication and consuming too much.


Some of the chewable tablets can be flavored in ways that are delicious to dogs, resulting in them going to town on the entire container. Unfortunately, issues like this can result in extreme amounts of liver damage and even death.


Precautions With Galliprant For Dogs

There are a few things to keep in mind if you think Galliprant might be a good option for your dog. Firstly, your vet needs to know about any conditions or other medications your dog might be on. In addition, any allergies they may have to such medications. That way, you can limit adverse reactions that your pet might have.


Side Effects Galliprant


It's not a good idea to administer Galliprant for dogs alongside corticosteroids or other NSAID medications. If your dog tends to have issues with grapiprant, they should not take Galliprant. For those who have small dogs, those that are under 8lbs can have difficulty getting the correct dose.


Keep in mind that taking Galliprant as a medication is rather new, so not all of the potential effects of it are known.


Side Effects Of Galliprant For Dogs

Nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs can make a difference for canine osteoarthritis pain. As an effective medication for the inflammatory pathway, a nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug could be prescribed to help your pet. However, just like any medication, and particularly NSAIDs, there are side effects to look out for.


Side Effects of Galliprant in Dogs


Keep an eye out for the following common adverse reactions of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs:


Issues involving the gastrointestinal system can be very common with these kinds of anti-inflammatory, non-steroid medications.


That said, many find that dogs receiving Galliprant doesn't seem to have effects that are as intense as other NSAID options for their dog.


Pregnant or lactating dogs, dogs younger than 6 months, dogs older than 7 years old, and overweight dogs have special considerations worth discussing with your vet.

In accordance with veterinary medicine best practices, your vet may prescribe other anti inflammatory drugs for lactating dogs and dogs younger than 6 months old.


Alternative Medications For Dog Pain

Because of adverse reactions as well as unpleasant side effects that can occur, pet owners often prefer to look for alternatives that might be a bit more gentle on their canine companion. This is especially true with medications like Galliprant for dogs, where it's still just too new to understand every effect it might have on your dog's body. The good news is, there are some natural alternatives out there!


CBD For Dogs

There isn't yet a magical medication that keeps your dog young and happy forever, but there are supplements that can help them quite a bit! Among these is CBD, which can provide a lot of benefits for your dog in a very natural way.


There has been a lot of research done on CBD in general over the past 30 years or so. That said, it's only in more recent times that we've started discovering the real help provided by CBD for pets. When it comes to assisting your pets, whether you're trying to keep them healthy or alleviate arthritis symptoms, it's absolutely worth trying out. 


CBD OIl for Dogs


CBD is being investigated all over the world for many uses. However at this time, as the manufacturer of CBD products, we are not allowed to discuss that subject publicly nor we are not allowed to imply that CBD can be used for any specific treatment.


CBD For Managing Pain

When it comes to dealing with the pain of dog arthritis, CBD can be very useful. In learning how, it can help to know where that pain comes from. Osteoarthritis, like many types of pain, comes from inflammation within the body. While we don't always see the inflammation, we can feel the effects.


CBD works like a natural substance that is capable of fighting this inflammation. As a result, it's also able to relieve the pain your dog is feeling. By affecting the inflammation in a natural way, it's able to protect your dog without all those added side effects.


CBD As A Joint Support Product

CBD can also be a fantastic option for assisting your pets with the health of their joints overall. As a result, they won't need to worry as much about pain and can maintain their youth for longer. In addition, you also get a lot of options for how to give your pet CBD. Innovet, for example, offers both tasty CBD treats and CBD oils that can assist the overall health of your dog, as well as ensuring their joints are feeling great! Innovet also offers its new product, Advanced Mobility Support for Hip and Joints, specially formulated for arthritic and senior dogs. 


Another useful substance you should consider when it comes to the health of your dog's joints. There are a number of supplements out there for your dog that include this ingredient, which is able to assist in promoting synovial fluid and cartilage that make sure your dog can move around easily.


Overall, glucosamine is something that occurs in the body naturally, but adding more of it can be very useful in encouraging and protecting your dog's joints. So if you're concerned about the health of your dog's joints, adding this as a supplement is a great idea.


Consider Feeding Your Dog Raw Food

Another useful tool that not everyone considers is changing up your dog's diet. In the wild, dogs and their canine family members would typically eat raw meat from the animals they hunt. Consequently, many believe that a raw meat diet can be the best possible option in keeping your dog healthy.


If you're interested in a raw food diet for your dog, then it's a good idea to check in with your vet. They can give you a solid rundown of how, what and when to feed your dog so that they get the best possible results from the diet.


Galliprant For Dogs: The Bottom Line

Keep in mind that while osteoarthritis can be uncomfortable for your dog, it's absolutely not something that is going to destroy your dog's life. There are many options out there you can take to help them feel well and be able to get around more easily.


While you're checking out your options, it can help to get a good feel for all of them. Consider the benefits, side effects and potential adverse reactions. It can also be helpful to visit a holistic vet using CBD to get a complete picture.


The more knowledge you have, the easier it will be to make the best possible choice for the health of your canine buddy.



A Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID) for Dogs with Osteoarthritis
Treating Chronic Pain in Dogs


Approved by:

Dr. Ivana Vukasinovic

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade

Ivana Vukasinovic grew up in Serbia and attended the University of Belgrade where she received a degree in Veterinary medicine in 2012 and later completed surgical residency working mostly with livestock. Her first year of practice was split between busy small animal practice and emergency clinic, and after two more years of treating many different species of animals, she opened her own veterinary pharmacy where an interest in canine and feline nutrition emerged with an accent on fighting animal obesity. In her free time, she acts as a foster parent for stray animals before their adoption, likes to read SF books and making salted caramel cookies.


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The Innovet Team


Please do not ask for emergency or specific medical questions about your pets in the comments. Innovet Pet Products is unable to provide you with specific medical advice or counseling. A detailed physical exam, patient history, and an established veterinarian are required to provide specific medical advice. If you are worried that your pet requires emergency attention or if you have specific medical questions related to your pet’s current or chronic health conditions, please contact or visit your local/preferred veterinarian, an animal-specific poison control hotline, or your local emergency veterinary care center.

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