Top 20 Dog Breeds with The Longest Lifespans
Reading Time:
- Dachshund
- Pomeranian
- Shih Tzu
- Chihuahua
- Miniature Schnauzer
- Toy Poodle
- Maltese
- Lhasa Apso
- Beagle
- Papillion
- Cockapoo
- Yorkshire Terrier
- Jack Russell Terrier
- Corgi
- Pug
- Australian Cattle Dog
- Australian Shepherd Dog
- Scottish Collie
- Boston Terrier
- Chow Chows
- Conclusion
Owning a dog is an amazing experience, but one of the most difficult parts of having a canine companion is knowing that you’ll have to say goodbye eventually. On average, dogs have a lifespan of ten to thirteen years.
Of course, exercise, high-quality healthcare, a healthy diet can all help your beloved pet have a long and happy life. However, genetics is ultimately one of the biggest factors in determining a dog’s lifespan.
Here we take a look at the top 20 dog breeds with the longest lifespans.
1. Dachshund
Dachshunds, commonly referred to as sausage dogs, are known to live longer than many other breeds. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, a dachshund was once the longest living dog in the world at 21 years.
In general, dachshunds live for around 15-17 years. Dachshunds are friendly and loyal animals, perfect as long-term companions! However, it should be noted that dachshunds are prone to age-related health issues, including back problems. Make sure you have regular check-ups for your Dachshund to help keep it healthy!
2. Pomeranian
Pomeranians are small, fluffy dogs named after their region of origin - Pomerania (between Poland and Germany). Pomeranians are friendly but feisty, and extremely loyal to their owners.
A Pomeranian will need some training, as they are playful and lively animals, but with lots of care and attention, they can live between 13 and 17 years.
3. Shih Tzu

The small, friendly Shih Tzu was bred specifically to be a companion. They commonly live for 15 years or more, and due to their small size, they need only short walks and little playtime episodes.
If you’re looking for a friendly companion, choose a Shih Tzu. They’re playful and love people, so make a great candidate for a companion to keep you entertained all day for years to come.
4. Chihuahua
Chihuahuas live longer than many other breed of dogs. These small, friendly animals tend to live for between 15 and 20 years. Due to their miniature size, Chihuahua's don't need much exercise but require plenty of engagement and stimulation.
Chihuahuas are not prone to serious illnesses, which may contribute to their longer than average lifespan. The oldest ever Chihuahua lived for 20 years, making it one of the longest living dog.
The fun-sized and fun-spirited Chihuahua is fiercely loyal, intelligent, and bold. Chihuahuas make a great choice for a family pet, and their long lifespan means you won’t have to say goodbye too soon.
5. Miniature Schnauzer
Miniature Schnauzers are feisty animals, with just as much energy and trainability as its larger relatives. They live for around 13-15 years, allowing plenty of time to enjoy the range of sports and activities these canines are known for competing.
6. Toy Poodle
Poodles are intelligent, friendly, and they are also one of the longest living breeds out there. Because of their small size, toy poodles, in particular, have longevity.
You can expect a toy poodle to live for around 15 to 20 years. Because they’re highly engaging and intelligent, toy poodles need a devoted owner who can offer them plenty of physical and mental exercise over the years.
7. Maltese
This is a breed known for excellent health and high levels of affection. This is another small dog breed that can live for more than 15 years. These are an ancient breed, originating from the island of Malta in the Mediterranean.
This breed of dog is so friendly and loyal that they can suffer separation anxiety when left alone. This is something that should be considered before committing to looking after this type of dog for 15 years or more; however, behavioral therapy can help.
8. Lhasa Apso
Lhasa Apso is another ancient breed, originating from Tibet. Despite their small size, they were originally bred as watchdogs for monasteries and palaces in Tibet.
While today's Lhasa Apso are rarely used for guard duty, their life expectancy of 12-14 years makes them a great, long-lasting family pet. They are friendly towards people that they know, but often wary of strangers. They are calm in nature, making them perfect for families with children.
9. Beagle
Beagles, known for their puppy eyes and long, floppy ears, have one of the longest life expectancies for canines. Beagles have long been considered a fantastic family pet, and the average beagle will live for between 12 and 18 years. The longest living Beagle recorded was named Butch and lived for an astounding 27 years.
As beagles age, they commonly suffer back problems. If you have a beagle as a pet, try to make sure they don’t overeat and get plenty of exercise to help prevent and beagle back issues.
10. Papillion
Papillions are small, friendly, and affectionate canines who simply love attention and cuddles. They have lots of energy, and you’ll find plenty of time to play with them during their 16-year average lifespan.
Do note that they are prone to several health issues, so make sure you monitor your papillion’s health to ensure they get the most out of their longevity.
11. Cockapoo
Curly-haired cockapoos are a crossbreed of a poodle and a cocker spaniel. This is an intelligent breed that’s easy to train. They are friendly and affectionate to family members and are often found following their owners from room to room!
Cockapoos are an overall great pet, and can consistently live for an average of 12 to 18 years.
12. Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire terrier is an enduringly popular toy dog. They are intelligent but not complete lap dogs, making them a great balance between an active animal and a miniature pet.
All terrier dog breeds have strong guarding instincts and are highly vocal, and the Yorkshire is no exception. Despite their feisty nature when it comes to strangers or loud noises, they make a great pet and can live for 16 years or more.
13. Jack Russell Terrier
The Jack Russell Terrier is energetic and driven because they were originally working dogs. They are now a favorite family pet and have an average life expectancy of between 16 and 20 years.
The Jack Russell Terriers is a fun-loving, loyal animal who is happiest when outdoors. They are best suited to owners with lots of outdoor space for them to enjoy their long lives.
14. Corgi
Commonly referred to as the Queen’s breed, corgis are affectionate and smart little dogs. They’re an ancient breed, thought to have existed for more than 3,000 years. With a life expectancy of over 13 years, corgis make wonderful family pets, and enjoy outdoor space.
15. Pug
Another small breed of dog, the Pug is a popular domestic pet. They are friendly, cuddly, and relatively low maintenance. While their lifespan is not as long as other small breeds on this list, they still live much longer than larger breeds.
They are known to suffer several health problems, many related to their distinctive face shape. Problems include breathing issues, so be sure to keep yours healthy to reduce strain on the respiratory system and prolong their life even more.
16. Australian Cattle Dog
The Australian Cattle Dog is unusually large for a breed with such a long lifespan. Australian Cattle Dogs, also known as Blue Heelers, are highly active and extremely intelligent, with an average life of 16 years.
Australian Cattle Dogs are muscular and enjoy lots of exercise and sport. Helping them stay in shape and maintain fitness levels will ensure they reach the top end of the lifespan for Australian Cattle Dogs.
17. Australian Shepherd Dog
Australian Shepherd dogs are another surprisingly large dog for such a long life expectancy. Living an average of 13-25 years, this is an intelligent breed of working dogs that need lots of attention when kept as a pet.
18. Scottish Collie
Scottish Collies are medium to large sized herding dogs, originally from Scotland. They are popular due to their loving and kind nature and get along well with both children and other animals. Do note that they’ve been known to herd up other pets and children!
An energetic family pet, Scottish Collies live between 13 and 16 years.
19. Boston Terrier
Another of the Terrier dog breeds, the Boston is a small, energetic canine with a lifespan of 14-16 years. While they were originally bred as fighting dogs, they are now considered one of the most gentle and affectionate companions.
Because large eyes tend to stick out from their heads, this breed can have trouble with their eyesight. Some recommend buying a visor for this breed to protect their eyes and prevent damage, enabling them to live a long and happy life.
20. Chow Chows
Chow Chows are a breed of a small dog with a distinct appearance. With a sturdy frame, mane of hair, and double-thick coat, they look more like teddy bears than canines.
Their appearances can be deceptive, though, as Chows are not as cuddly as you might think. They are independent animals and highly wary of strangers but will be fiercely loyal for the right person. Chow Chows live to an average of 14 years, making them a great long-term pet.
Dogs breeds with the longest lifespans tend to be smaller breeds, like Chihuahuas. However, several medium to large breeds also made our list of long-living canines, showing that size isn't the only factor in how long a particular breed of dog will live.
From Scottish Collies to Chihuahuas and Dachshunds, if you're looking for a canine partner with longevity, use our list to find a breed that will be with you for the long-term!
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