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What Dog Breed Are You? Take the Quiz to Find Out!

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What Dog Breed Are You? Take the Quiz to Find Out!

Do you know what dog breed you are? Are you a Labrador Retriever or a Yorkie? A Beagle or a Corgi? If you're not sure what breed of dog you are, don't worry, there's a quiz for that! But be forewarned, the results might surprise you. Take the quiz and find out what dog breed best describes you. And don't forget to share your results with your friends!





All of us are different from one another! Whether it is our jobs, our movies, or food preferences, there is no such thing as two humans exactly the same as each other. The same goes for dog breeds.


While they come from the same species, different breeds of dogs can have completely different personalities! There is an energetic dog that can keep up with an active lifestyle, like Border Collie. These pups are known for their high energy levels and need plenty of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy. On the other hand, there are laid-back dogs who are content with just a few short walks, like the Basset Hound. These dogs are known for being calm and easy-going, and they don't require as much exercise as some of the other breeds. These thoughts naturally bring us the question: which dog breed is the most like ourselves?


To find out, we've created a quiz that will analyze your personality and compare it to the personalities of 19 popular dog breeds. The quiz will consider things like your energy level, your need for companionship, and how much you prefer to be active or relaxed. In the end, you'll find out which dog breed is the most like you!



How Does the Quiz Work?

Although even dogs from the same breed may be different from one another, most of them tend to share certain traits and behaviors. This is due to their genetic background and history. AKC, the American Kennel Club, has identified certain traits and behaviors that can be used to differentiate and compare most dog breeds to each other. These include their barking and energy levels, how well they naturally accept and socialize with other dogs, and how attached dogs from certain breeds are to their caretakers and their families... Using these parameters, we at Innovet managed to develop questions to create a parallel between your personality, and the general personality of some of the most recognized and beloved dog breeds, therefore answering the question: what dog breed are you?

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