The #1 Rated CBD Oil and CBD Treats for Dogs

Pumpkin for Dogs

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Pumpkin for Dogs
Fall is rapidly upon us and with it comes some of our favorite dog treats: EVERYTHING pumpkin spice. From pies to lattes, pumpkin truly is a staple of Fall. But, what most pet owners might not know is that pumpkin also is very beneficial for dogs.

Within this post, we’re going to go over all the ways pumpkin for dogs ought to be the latest addition to your pup's life.


Pumpkin for Dogs | Innovet Pet

Pumpkin: Is it Good for Dogs?

Absolutely! Pumpkin is, indeed, good for dogs. That is right. Pumpkin may assist in treating a string of conditions from digestive problems to eliminating intestinal worms to giving your dog a healthy, shiny coat.

Here’s the best part: pumpkin may be given all year long to help your dog stay happy and healthy even when it is not autumn.

Pumpkin: What is it?

Pumpkin is a lot more than just a delectable filling for one of your favorited pies. It’s really a squash plant that’s native to North America. If you ever have carved a pumpkin for the Halloween holiday you know first-hand that the interior of the pumpkin is comprised up of a pulpy consistency and full of seeds.

Pumpkin Seeds: What are they?

Speaking of pumpkin seeds... Most folks might not know just how beneficial these seeds are. These flat, oval seeds are full of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and fatty acids. The seeds also are robust in lipids.


ChefPaw Dog Food Maker


Advantages of Pumpkin for Canines

Let us take a look into all the ways pumpkin might have the ability to help your dog.

Pumpkin for Diarrhea

One common use of canned pumpkin for dogs is for dogs experiencing diarrhea. Canned pumpkin is a great soluble fiber source and has essential minerals and vitamins.

Canned pumpkin also has iron, potassium, and vitamins A, E, and C. The essential vitamins and natural fibers of the pumpkin aids in slowing digestion down by adding bulk to a canine's stool by absorbing water.

How much pumpkin to give dog? Specialists advise blending the dog's normal food using a Tbsp. of canned pumpkin. Most pet owners report that they’re surprised by how rapidly the pumpkin works to clear up their pet's loose stools.

And with that being said, it’s vital that you recognize if your pet's diarrhea persists after the supplement is added. If that’s the case, Innovet Pet Products encourages you to immediately take your pup to the vet. Dog diarrhea is what’s referred to as a non-specific symptom.

Diarrhea in and of itself is not an illness yet instead, a symptom of something else and non-specific symptom might be an indication of an entire plethora of conditions. If the diarrhea continues on, don’t use pumpkin as a "band-aid". It is vital to get to the heart of what’s causing it to begin with.

Constipation Treatment for Dogs 

Interestingly enough, as pumpkin is an excellent diarrhea remedy, it’s also efficient at easing constipation. Naturally boosting the quantity of soluble fiber within your pet's diet also will assist in moving things along in a more convenient way.

As you utilize canned pumpkin puree to aid your dog's digestive problems, your pup will not be racing to the grass to go to the bathroom. Pumpkin is very gentle, unlike traditional drugs which help to alleviate constipation.


If you have had to handle medication for constipation relief, you understand how... messy... it might be.

How much pumpkin to give a dog for constipation? Professionals suggest adding one to four Tbsp. of canned pumpkin to your dog's normal food. Plus, always ensure that your dog has plenty of water.

Dehydration may be a direct link to constipation and certainly will make existing constipation even worse than it actually already is.

Dog Upset Stomach Treatment

There are numerous reasons why your pet might be experiencing an upset stomach. One common reason is a change in diet. Firstly, if you’re switching your pet's food, be it meats, brands, raw food diet, etc., always do it slowly. There are few dogs whose tummies are able to deal with an instant change.

How much pumpkin can I give my dog? Gradually introduce the new food by blending it with the old in gradual increments. Besides slowly presenting the new food, pet parents may add pumpkin to help comfort and ease the digestive tract.


Pumpkin for Dogs | Innovet Pet

 Again, one to four teaspoons ought to do the trick and the majority of pet owners say they witness results almost right away.

With that being said, an upset tummy is yet again an additional non-specific symptom. Thereby, if constipation, diarrhea, or upset stomach seemingly come out of no place or continuously happen, we suggest seeing a vet for the proper diagnosis.

 An upset tummy might be due to gastrointestinal dysfunction, ulcers, allergies, etc. At the end of the day, it is vital to know precisely what’s going on to appropriately treat the condition.

Pumpkin for Weight Loss and Weight Management

How much pumpkin for dogs? Canines suffering with obesity or have problems maintaining a healthy weight also can benefit from pureed pumpkin. We think Fido is adorable, of course, no matter what the scale states, yet weight really can affect the quality of life of your dog.


 Adding pumpkin to your pet's diet will help tremendously to regulate your pet's weight. Also, replacing a part of your pet's usual food with pumpkin is an excellent method of promoting weight loss due to pumpkin being a low calorie but extremely nutritional source of food.

Pumpkin Nutrition | Vitamin Benefits

Previously aforementioned about how much pumpkin for dog, pumpkin has a lot of nutritional benefits which derive from the realization that it’s full of vitamins. For example, vitamin A vastly helps with vision and vitamin C efficiently helps increase the immune system.

 As with human beings, our pets may catch colds. Vitamin C is an excellent method of ensuring that your pet's health is always in check. Also, vitamin C is important for pets who are aging as it aids in protecting their joints.


CBD Oil for Dogs


 No one likes to admit that their beloved pet is aging. While we cannot turn back the hands of time, we can ensure that our pet's diet is full of nutrients to help them get older gracefully.

Pumpkin is full of vitamin a beta-carotene-- an antioxidant which actually aids in slowing the process of dog aging and protects the pet's body as they grow into their mature years.

Health Advantages of Pumpkin Seeds for Canines

Can dogs eat pumpkin seeds? Remarkably, the advantages of pumpkin do not stop with pumpkin puree. These seeds are, indeed, full of nutrients. Amazingly, pumpkin seeds are an efficient deworming agent. The pumpkin seeds are able to eliminate intestinal parasites.

Native Americans utilized pumpkin seeds as an anti-parasitic, as well as to heal wounds. And on top of that, pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamins, promote cardiovascular health, and have anti-inflammatory properties.

How Much Pumpkin?

You are likely sold on the concept of integrating some delicious pumpkin into your pet's life by now. In terms of how much pumpkin to give a dog, usually 1 – 4 Tbsp. of canned pumpkin is an outstanding place to start. It’s possible to blend the pumpkin puree in with the pet's usual food. Odds are, they’ll like the taste. It’s the perfect dosage for constipation, diarrhea, or upset stomach related to changing food.

We want to mention that like everything, we suggest starting slowly. Pumpkin is safe and all-natural; however, you do not need to overload your furry friend with a new supplement when their tummy is already in a delicate state. One to four teaspoons certainly will do the trick!


How much pumpkin can dogs eat?

 As far as using pureed or canned pumpkin for weight management or weight loss is concerned, start by replacing one tablespoon of canned pumpkin for one-quarter cup of food. Gage your pet's eating habits to ensure they are not acting too hungry with this new change. But, because pumpkin is so robust in vitamins and nutrients, the substitution typically works just fine.

What’s the Best Canned Pumpkin for Pets? 

It is important to state that there’s a particular kind of pumpkin that’s good for canines. Not all canned pumpkin is equally the same. How much pumpkin to give my dog? You will want to purchase canned, plain pumpkin, and NOT canned pumpkin pie or pumpkin pie filling. Those products might contain xylitol, which is considered toxic for pets.

You also will want to avoid pumpkin with added sugar, spices, or salt. Those additives may have the opposite effect of what you are looking for and instead make your pet's digestive problems even worse.

Bearing all that in mind, we suggest that you buy canned pumpkin over the fresh pumpkin. It might come as a shock, yet canned pumpkin has a greater percentage of nutrients and fiber than the fresh pumpkin. Just ensure that you read the labels. There isn’t any need for anything other than 100 percent pumpkin to be inside the can of goodness. Keep it all-natural whenever possible!

As you locate your favorite canned pumpkin, most pet parents choose to create homemade pet food. Including pumpkin into their dog food is a great way to ensure your dog is getting healthy nutrients. Fido will not even know that the yummy food is really benefitting them in many ways!

Can Canines Eat Pumpkin Seeds?

Absolutely, dogs may consume pumpkin seeds; however, there are some things you ought to know! First, ensure that the pumpkin seeds aren’t salted. Again, natural is better. Plus, it is better that the pumpkin seeds are de-shelled and roasted.


Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin Seeds?

 We want to say that it is common for pets to not be too thrilled with the concept of eating oval, slippery seeds. If that’s the case, do not worry, there is a solution! Just grind the seeds inside a coffee grinder then sprinkle over his food bowl. The additive makes for an exceptional source of fiber and protein.

Like everything, we always suggest speaking with your holistic veterinarian while treating certain ailments. It’ll ensure that your pet is receiving the precise treatment they need.

CBD and Pumpkin 

If you like to stay up to date as it’ll come to holistic wellness, you likely have heard of CBD. It’s an herb that has been shown to have amazing medical benefits. Due to the fact that it comes from the hemp plant, it’s completely safe for both our cats and dogs. The hemp plant has no THC over the value of 0.3 percent. Thereby, CBD hemp oil will not get your dog or cat "high." Instead, they’ll have the ability to reap all the benefits the herb offers without the possible dangerous side effects of traditional medicines. As a matter of fact, as it’ll come to our dogs, CBD has pretty much zero negative side effects.


Pumpkin for Dogs | Innovet Pet

Also, as with pumpkin, CBD may improve existing conditions while preventing new ailments from developing all while increasing overall wellness. For example, CBD is notorious for being an efficient management device for the ones who suffer with epilepsy. When improving the seizure disorder, CBD may also decrease inflammation and prevent anxiety while supporting the pet's overall immune function and health. Pretty fantastic, right? We think so. 

Two’s Better Than One 

Additionally, comparable to pumpkin, CBD efficiently works to help improve digestive health and support joint health. We do not need to tell you that as you aren’t feeling all that well, everything tends to slow down. For instance, if you have a cold, odds are, you aren’t going to have a huge appetite.

If you aren’t eating correctly, it ultimately will affect your immune system and digestive system. As one thing goes, other things seem to follow. It is the same for your dog. When your pet's joints ache, they likely won’t be inclined to walk to their food bowl.

As a matter of fact, occasional pain in pets causes them to stop eating altogether which, in turn, causes their bodies to be in even more pain. That’s where both pumpkin and CBD really can help your dog.

Even more good news: when pumpkin and CBD are used together, your pet reaps even more benefits. Due to the supplements being all-natural, pet owners may use them both to make sure that their dog is receiving all the necessary support and nutrients their body may require.


Pet owners might choose to present CBD in the form of CBD oil. Buying CBD oil is available in tincture form along with an easy-to-use dropper. This dropper permits you to have complete control over precisely how much CBD product your pet is getting. CBD oil for dogs is safe enough to be directly administered into your dog's mouth. The majority of dog parents say that their dog had no qualms over CBDs taste. But we know some of our readers might have a picky eater in their house. If that’s the case, just blend the CBD oil into your pet's food bowl or add it onto their favorite dog treat.


CBD For Dog with Pain

CBD Treats

Dog parents also may opt to integrate CBD in the form of dog treats. The CBD dog treats are incredible because you have the option of buying treats for overall wellness or dog treats which have been made for certain ailments.

Treats are fantastic for pets that suffer with and are attempting to prevent:

  • Anxiety problems
  • Nervous-licking
  • Fears/phobias
  • Stress of Flying
  • Stress related to car rides/ road trips

In addition, treats are great for promoting a better night’s sleep.

As with human beings, dogs may suffer with allergies. If your dog is having problems with the related side effects of the changing seasons, get some dog treats.

Dog treats have been proven very effective at improving and managing:

Lastly, life is just too short to live in pain, and it’s heart wrenching to know your dog is hurting. For pets that have aging bones and aching joints, we suggest our Hemp dog treats.

These treats are great for dogs that suffer with: 

  • Recovering from extensive exercise
  • Disease prevention
  • Digestive and nausea problems
  • Recovering from an operation
  • Sore/stiff muscles
  • Mobility problems
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Pain and inflammation

Again, all these CBD products may be effectively used along with pumpkin and provide your pet an all-natural method for feeling their best.

The Bottom Line on Pumpkin for Dogs 

Here at Innovet Pet Products, we’re all animal lovers and dog owners. Thereby, we know how concerning it may be when your pet is not feeling quite right. We additionally know how confusing it might be when a regular veterinarian check leads to prescription meds, some which you might not have the ability to pronounce.

Thankfully, there’s hope. All-natural and holistic alternatives are, at last, beginning to get the attention they deserve and we’re so happy. The realization that we’re able to choose how we heal, as well as prevent ailments is wonderful. Gone are the times in which traditional medicines are mandatory. Instead, supplements such as CBD and pumpkin are changing the lives of both dogs and humans.

For more information contact Innovet Pet Products today!



Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol
CBD mitagate seizures
Cannabinoids in the Treatment of Epilepsy
Cannabinoids in the management of difficult to treat pain


Approved by:

Dr. Sara Ochoa

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, St. Georges University

Sara Redding Ochoa, DVM was raised in north Louisiana. She graduated from LA Tech in 2011 with a degree in animal science. She then moved to Grenada West Indies for veterinary school. She completed her clinical year at Louisiana State University and graduated in 2015 from St. George’s University. Since veterinary school she has been working at a small animal and exotic veterinary clinic in east Texas, where she has experience treating all species that walk in the hospital. In her free time, she likes to travel with her husband Greg, bake yummy desserts and spend time with her 4-legged fur kids, a dog Ruby, a cat Oliver James “OJ”, a rabbit BamBam and a tortoise MonkeyMan.


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Please do not ask for emergency or specific medical questions about your pets in the comments. Innovet Pet Products is unable to provide you with specific medical advice or counseling. A detailed physical exam, patient history, and an established veterinarian are required to provide specific medical advice. If you are worried that your pet requires emergency attention or if you have specific medical questions related to your pet’s current or chronic health conditions, please contact or visit your local/preferred veterinarian, an animal-specific poison control hotline, or your local emergency veterinary care center.

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