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Can Dogs Eat Pinneaple?

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Can Dogs Eat Pinneaple?

If you're like most pet owners, you probably have a few questions about what your dog can and can't eat. And if you're new to owning a dog, you may be wondering what is safe to give them as a snack. In this post, we'll take a look at the question of whether or not dogs can eat pineapple. Spoiler alert: they can, but there are some things to keep in mind before giving it to them. Keep reading for more information!


Can I give pineapples to my dog? 


So, Are Pineapples Safe for Dogs?

Like we just said, yes, you can give your dog pineapples! Not only it is safe, but there are many benefits to feeding pineapples to dogs. Pineapples are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, manganese, copper, and fiber. They also contain bromelain, an enzyme that can help with digestion.


What Are the Potential Problems?

If you're considering giving your dog a pineapple, there are a few things you should know.


Pineapples contain a high level of citric acid, which can cause stomach upset in dogs. Too much citric acid can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Pineapples are also a choking hazard for dogs. The fruit's tough skin and hard core can be difficult for dogs to chew and swallow, so you should always give only the fruit, not the skin or core, and cut it into tiny pieces. Finally, pineapples can be addictive for dogs. The sweet taste of the fruit can make dogs crave more, even to the point of becoming overweight or even worsening conditions due to the high dose of sugar found in pineapples, like diabetes.


If you want to find an alternative healthy chew to offer your dog, without having to worry about undesired side effects, you can also try to give your dog Soft Chews! We recommend these Soft Hemp Dog Chews, made with all-natural ingredients like sweet potato, turkey, sunflower, and the power of CBD Oil! Some of the most common potential benefits associated with CBD oil include reducing anxiety, relieving pain, and improving overall mobility and joint function. You can purchase it by clicking here.


What chews can I give to my dog? Innovet Hemp Soft Chews!


Which Are The Best Ways to Give Pinneaples to My Dog?

First of all, give him only fresh pineapple. Dried or canned pineapple is not suitable for pets, as it can cause stomach upset and other problems, due to the unnaturally unhealthy amount of sugar found in these versions


To give your dog pineapple, peel the fruit and remove the core. Then, slice it down into smaller pieces that your dog can easily eat. Be sure to monitor your dog while they enjoy their pineapple treat - especially the first time to see if there is no adverse reaction -, and make sure they don't eat too much - treats should represent not more than 10% of the daily food intake.


Frozen pineapple is a great treat for your dog to help them deal with the heat during summer. Simply pop some pieces of pineapple into an ice cube tray and freeze overnight. In the morning, give your pup a couple of frozen pineapple cubes to enjoy. They'll love the sweet taste and the cool, refreshing feeling!



Pineapple is a nutritious fruit that offers many health benefits for both humans and dogs. As with any new food, it’s important to introduce pineapple slowly and monitor your dog for any adverse reactions. If you decide to give your pup some pineapple, make sure it’s fresh, unsweetened, and diced into small pieces. Enjoy this delicious treat while knowing that you’re providing your furry friend with some essential nutrients! For more information on feeding your pet healthy foods like pineapple, check out our blog at innovetpet.com.



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